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21-Days Prayer & Fasting

08Jan24 - 28Jan24

Praying the Word

During our 21-Day Prayer and Fasting, we encourage you to corporately fast and pray together; using the 'Daniel Fast' model - removing meat, sweets, bread and all other delicacies from your diet and consuming water rather than soft fizzy drinks or coffee and tea. 


If you are on medication, and cannot partake in any fasting, think of other means to fast from; e.g. social media, TV, or something else. The main point is to stop distractions in your life, and to spent more time with God and press into Him, praying and adoring Him. 


Once you have decided on your method of fasting, stay focussed and stay the course. Seek God's presence above all else and you will see a greater intimacy, purity and unity arising from within you. 


I have heard many people say they cannot hear God, or they cannot pray, or they cannot concentrate, or they simply do not have enough time in their day to even read the Bible. Sound familiar?


The reason is because we are living in such a fast-past and demanding world, where everything are competing for your attention and your time --- distractions occurs constantly that robs you from valuable time spent with God [which is satan's main agenda].


REMEMBER : satan opposes God's work [Zechariah 3:1], he perverts God's word [Matthew 4:6], he hinders God's servants [1 Thessalonians 2:18], he hinders the gospel [2 Corinthians 4:4], he snares the righteous [1 Timothy 3:7], he holds the world in his power [1 John 5:19].


So during this 21-day Prayer and Fasting, put those things to bed and focus upon God. This may start out as a struggle, but as you persevere and continue, it will become easier and GOD WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE and REVIVE YOUR SPIRIT!


Pray pray and pray some more, asking God for opportunities to open up so you can share the Word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.


Don't give up because it seems hard at first - God is your strength.



Blessings as we encourage you every day with Scripture.

Ps Corrie & Louise Delport


THANK YOU Johan and Rosslyn for making this board to highlight our 21-day Prayer and Fasting

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